The Cainian Chronicle DLP BLACK

  • SKU: N-31913
  • GTIN: 885150704417
  • Category: Black Metal
  • Artists:
  • HAN: SSR165LP
  • Release: 15.10.2021
Soulseller Records, reissue 2021,black vinyl,...
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Soulseller Records, reissue 2021,black vinyl, gatefold, The powerful second fullength album by Ancient sees an anniversary re-issue in celebration of its 25 years existence.The original thunderous production (courtesy of Dan Swanö) and the original cover art by Alex Kurtagic remain in tact and are supplemented with liner notes by Aphazel as well as unseen pictures from the original albums release era. l

Item weight: 0,55 kg


Name: Soulseller Records
Address: Deltazijde 10D, 1261 ZM Blaricum, Netherlands