Profound Lore Records, jewelcase
CAUSTIC WOUND (members of Mortiferum/Corpus Offal/Magrudergrind) follow-up their brutal 2020 debut “Death Posture” with their new LP “Grinding Mechanism of Torment” a savage, visceral, utterly brutal and cold-blooded deathgrind monument unparalleled.
Track Listing: 1. Grinding Mechanism of Torment, 2. Blood Battery, 3. Human Shield, 4. Drone Terror, 5. Advanced Killing Methods, 6. Blackout, 7. The Bleed Rail, 8. Endless Grave, 9. Infinite Onslaught, 10. Legacy of Terror, 11. Atom Blast, 12. Technologist Hell Future, 13. Dead Dog, 14. Horrible Earth Death, 15. Sniper Nest, 16. Into Cold Deaf Universe
Item weight: | 0,11 kg |
Name: High Roller Records
Address: Bertolt-Brecht-Str. 1a, 08412 Werdau, Germany