Aurora Borealis / Leve Vikingånden CD

  • SKU: N-33757
  • GTIN: 3663663009437
  • Category: Euro
  • Artists:
  • HAN: SSR174
  • Release: 01.07.2022
Soulseller Records, Jewel case cd w/6 page...
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Soulseller Records, Jewel case cd w/6 page booklet, The classic Norwegian black/viking metal material re-issued! The 1994 Aurora Borealis demo and the 1995 Leve Vikingånden 7"ep presented as one album.

Item weight: 0,10 kg


Name: Soulseller Records
Address: Deltazijde 10D, 1261 ZM Blaricum, Netherlands
E-Mail: jorn@soulsellerrecords.com