In Our Home, Across the Fog CD DIGIPACK

Northern Silence Productions, Collector's...
14,99 €
inkl. 19% USt. , zzgl. Versand
voraussichtlich: 11.04.2025 (PRE-SALE)
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Northern Silence Productions, Collector's Edition in 6-panel Digipack, limited to 500 copies.

From the shadowed ruins of fallen kingdoms, the one man army known as Bloody Valkyria ascends to new heights with its second album, entitled "In Our Home, Across The Fog". This chapter in the project's discography entwines the epic lore of Elden Ring with the aggressive beauty of extreme Metal.

Artikelgewicht: 0,10 kg


Name: Northern Silence Productions GmbH & Co. KG
Anschrift: Gasanstaltstr. 174 A, 09474 Crottendorf, Deutschland