Mercenaries of Mordor CD

Iron Pegasus, this mid paced Pure Goblin Black...
11,99 €
inkl. 19% USt. , zzgl. Versand
  • Sofort verfügbar
  • Lieferzeit: 2 - 3 Werktage (Ausland)

Iron Pegasus, this mid paced Pure Goblin Black Metal trio plays in the tradition of the early 90s underground, before Black Metal became popular. Recorded with a demo tape audio aesthetic for added grimness, and full-on worship of "Lord of the Rings" (Bakshi Jackson).

Artikelgewicht: 0,10 kg


Name: Iron Pegasus Records
Anschrift: Petershäuserhof 6, 52688 Zilshausen, Deutschland
E-Mail: iron-pegasus@t-online.de

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